2024 Past Streams

July 1st, 2024: The Very First Official Episode! July 8th, 2024: Dynaman Day!
Invention Exchange: Weed Eater
The Night Flight episodes were watched out of order because the original plan was to watch them in the air order of the original series, but that plan fell through when we almost immediately lost interest in the original show, let alone directly comparing the differences. We still ended up checking out episode 4 because the end of the Night Flight pilot had a preview for the next episode, which I was hyped for as a kid but never got to see, and they never adapted it anwyas. July 15th, 2024: Tsuburaya's Dinosaur Trilogy! July 22nd, 2024: It's Not Shark Week! July 29th, 2024: Keita Amemiya-thon
Invention Exchange: Zeram Unit 2000
August 1st, 2024: Obaiba Day!
Invention Exchange: Digimon Malulum Version 1.0: Tylomon Volcdramon Same DNA! August 5th, 2024: Stop Motion Dinosaurs of the Oooollld West!
August 12th, 2024: Classic Universal Monsters of the Oooollld West!
Invention Exchange: Blessive Handwriting August 13th, 2024: Chronological Alien Marathon Day 1 (2004)
Up until now the Alien movies have been sequential, 1-4 all follow from each other, the 5-8 go back and are all prequels in chronological order. This makes chronological order pretty boring and mostly the same as release order. However, the new movie, Romulus, is in a weird place slotting in between the first and second films, in 2142. I was always going to do a marathon for the new Alien movie anwyas, that was always going to happen, but I thought since it's ONLY gimmick is the weird timeline placement, I'd actually go ahead and watch them in chronological order this time to then I guess maybe get something out of Romulus other than it being a samey filler story that does nothing new or interesting. Y'know, maybe. August 14th, 2024: Chronological Alien Marathon Day 2 (2093-2104)
Campfire Song: "We Must Pity Marmaduke" by Supermasterpiece.com
These two never got extended/director's/special editions in any official capacity, which is baffling because they are the two that NEED them the most desperately, as the films themselves were just outright unfinished as we got it in theaters. As such, its fallen into the hands of fan editors to fix the mistakes and so for all intents and purposes the fan edits of these films are the definitive versions. The only issue there is that there are so many of them. Usually people like to put Giftbearer as the go to for Prometheus but I like this A9 edit just fine. It just needs to get the important stuff in there and it does that. Ninth Circle is one I haven't seen fully but I know that it goes a little bit overboard and towards the end gets completely out of control and just turns into a bunch of video archives of nonsense and is no longer a movie. We will prolly skip through that part. For what it's worth, though, the basic editing of the theatrical cut into something releasable by using the footage that was necessary to tell the actual story seems to all be there from what I skimmed. August 15th, 2024: Chronological Alien Marathon Day 3 (2122-2137)
Campfire Song: "Don't be Racist, I am a Building" by Net Work
Unfortunately, because of it's weird placement, that breaks the standard double feature format of the stream, and although Alien movies are all very long, at least 2 hours usually, that's still not really long enough to justify a stream. So I'll be doing either the 40th anniversary shorts, which altogether are aboot feature length, or Alien 2, a.k.a. the only good Alien movie. Knowing me, it'll probably be the later, so I'll leave the schedule here to say that for now, and if I decide differently before the show, I'll update it then. Wasn't there a webseries based on Isolation? I guess I could do that too? Update: We ended up doing the webseries. August 17th, 2024: Chronological Alien Marathon Day 5 (2179)
Campfire Song: Squidbillies theme song
Obviously I won't be streaming the theatrical release of the brand new Alien movie, you can go check out Romulus yourself, otherwise day 4 is just for me I guess. But that also makes the next movie stream coincide with Saturday, which is when I do my Divine Comedy mapping and late night spooky streams. Because of this - and the film's nearly 3 hour runtime - I'll start the map stream basically immediately after the movie, so it'll effectively all be one stream. It won't ACTUALLY be one stream, however, because I'll have to stop it and start it again in order to change the vod settings, but the break between the "two" and the total time I'll spend offline will amount to at most a whole minute. Additionally, because I didn't do it on day 3, I'll be doing Alien 2, a.k.a. the only good Alien movie as well. It's an absolute classic and I adore it and it'll be perfect to lead into late night spooky times. Also, the time wasn't adding up, because starting at the regular MMMM time would only get us to like 19 which is earlier than I've ever started the Doom stream before, so adding another feature length to that will get the Doom/spooks portion of the night started somewhere between 20 and 21 which is much more appropriate. August 18th, 2024: Chronological Alien Marathon Day 6 (2179-2381)
Campfire Song: Come Before Christ and Murder Love by Death in June
While most Alien movies come in two flavors: the theatrical cut and the objectively better cut, Alien3 is different in that both cuts are kind of mutually exclusive to each other in content. Usually the only tangible difference in these things is the presence or absence of certain footage, but the Assembly Cut actually dramatically changes some of the circustances of the film. In general, the Assembly Cut is better in that it's missing far less and was done with the benefit of hindsight and so all things considered that's very close to the definitive version... but it still needs work. The major issue is that while it puts back in the super facehugger, it cuts out the queen chestburster (which, for the mood of the film is the correct choice, but still). More dramatic is the fact that the HOST has been changed. This is outright baffling as this is the film that first introduced the idea of the DNA reflex, so to then immediately betray it by having the two cuts together stating that a xenomorph coming from either a dog or bull would look exactly the same is fucking preposterous. It makes sense when you consider the context of the stress under which the movie was made, but once it hit theaters that was a done deal, the alien in the film is a dog alien, NOT a bull alien, a bull alien would be far larger than one that birthed from a human, while the dog alien - spawned from an animal much smaller than a human - is about the same size of one. Also it obviously doesn't have horns. So, the best version of the movie, then, must lie between the two. So I'm going to try and put together my own fan edit of the film much like I did for the Summerween Kongathon which is otherwise the same as the Assembly Cut, but which preserves the dog alien origin while still keeping in the super facehugger and queen chestburster footage. Since the super facehugger bit is directly connected to the bull alien stuff, that might be a tall order, but I'm going to do my best.