Anwyas, so like I said on the main page, I miss how rad websites were back in the day and there was also just this different kind of culture in the 90's about Godzilla online. Information wasn't easily accessible back then, so poking around on the web was kind of like trying to dig up secret forbidden knowledge. I don't think I need to go into it too much, you know what I'm talking about, most things were like that back then. But of course sites like that barely exist anymore, and the ones that remain haven't been updated in forever. So that's the other big thing, some of those old fan sites did last up until Final Wars, but nowhere can you find a website that like this that has a little page where it tells you how long kamata-kun is. And I'm gonna make that site... y'know, eventually. My first goals are to get a page up covering all of the films and the monsters, specifically monsters that appear in the films. Then I started writing timeline pages as a supplement to my Godzilla Continuity videros, which is a whole process, so I'm dealing with that now too. So that's 32 movies and 38 monster pages I think? Plus 13 timeline pages, that makes 83 pages in total I'll have to write to make this thing comprehensive.
After that? Well, I could keep going. I could always cover stuff from the tv shows, shorts, or non-Godzilla Toho monster movies. Another thing I'm thinking of doing - and this is like a whole discussion - is the various "non-monster" mecha from the series. You'll notice of course that Mechagodzilla isn't alive (most of them aren't, at least), and is just a machine. Is it still a monster if it's not alive? And if so... doesn't that make Gotengo a monster too? So where's the line? The blurryness of the line created by Mechagodzilla and other weird edge cases kind of makes me just want to throw in the towel and cover all the fictional mechanical stuff too. But idunno, that's an idea for later. I could do other stuff too, it doesn't all need to be just Godzilla. I thought it might be cute to make some digimon stuff. And uh... idunno, a third thing? I don't really have any real goal here other than I think making this is fun, so I intend to keep doing it.
If you have any questions or comments or love letters you wanna send me, uh... well I'ma be honest, I don't really use email? And I don't have an interest in any of the social media going around these days because I'm not a teenager nor do I enjoy being perpetually angry at everything all the time forever. I do sometimes - rarely, but sometimes - look at notifications on deviant art and/or comments on my videos on youtube, but that's not really something I take much interest in looking at. Honestly the best way to contact me is via discord, where I'm @princessmaly. I think you need to send a request but I usually add people so w/e. It would probably be cooler if I had a guest book or something, and more on brand too. But I don't have one of those for the same reason I don't have one of those rad little visitor counters: I just don't know how to do it. I'm, uh... kind of computer dumb, so it's incredible that I've even accomplished as much as I have with this site as it is.
Alright, well I'm out of stuff to say. You can click the cute little yellow house icon down there to go back to the main page.